Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Goldsworthy-inspired Nature Sculpture

One of the first art lessons we did in 3rd grade was in September, before winter set in. We watched a slideshow I put together about Andy Goldsworthy, the British nature artist, then talked about the challenges of impermanence. Photography is essential to the work.

 Students received a plastic bag and went outside to collect the materials for their installations. Since it was a beautiful day outside, the students created their natural sculptures outside, then I took photographs of the work. Some students chose to work in the sand pit nearby. After printing the pictures as 5x7s, we mounted the photos and each student created a label to display near their piece with their name, a title (they came up with a name for their art), and an artist's statement. It was a great project and was really fun to think of art in a 3-dimensional, temporary way.

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