Ms. Scroggie's 3rd grade class made origami flowers during art class
this week. We had a bunch of colorful origami paper to work with.
Paper was spread all over as everyone searched through the pile to find
just the right colors for their own beautiful flower.

Each flower needed five petals. We made one-fifth of the flower together as a class, then everyone was on their own to finish the remaining four-fifths. We used tape to hold each petal in the correct shape after it was folded.
Once all the petals were complete, students used tape or a glue stick to connect the five petals.

All the students were excited about the completed flower, and it lead to
a group discussion about creating an origami garden as a class
The entire activity went much faster than planned. Many students were able to complete the project within 15-30 minutes.
There are many websites with instructions for folding this flower. I used the steps from
this blog.
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