I had pictures of this entire process and they have been lost or deleted! If I find them I will post.
For this project you will need:
- blue construction paper
- white and orange paint, and any other colors for hat/scarf
- black pastels
- qtips for dotting after pics are done, paintbrushes
- paint plates, palettes
- I highly recommend getting a helper for this project! I did it alone and it worked out fine, but just one extra pair of eyeballs and hands would have been awesome.
I took these first graders step by step through the whole process of drawing our zoomed in snowman. It seemed to work best to all be on the same step with this age group.
We used black oil pastel to draw the details, then painted them in, and once they were somewhat dry, finished up the facial features.
The workroom has all of the supplies needed. Going through the pastels to find enough black took a chunk of time, so plan ahead if you need specific colors for any projects.
This also required a bit of cleanup at the end. The desks were easily cleaned with come Clorox wipes. The brushes however, I would recommend bringing something to take them home in and clean them there. I did it in the classroom sink and it took a long time and was messy. Plus you don't get any warm water.
The students really enjoyed this and were proud of their work. They don't get to paint very often, so they were excited!